Monday, July 13, 2009

When everybody is leaving

Don't you just hate that feeling? When all your friends start to take off, going back to beautiful Greece for the summer? And you are left behind, waiting impatiently for your turn to pay a visit to Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted or Luton...

It's mid-July, and day by day, Greek Londoners are deserting the battle ground. Who can blame them? After the incredibly hot week we experienced in the City, the miserable weather is back. Rain every day. Having to pack in the tube to go to the office every day. Your iPod is full of summer tunes bringing you memories of the beach. Distant memories that you hope you will re-live soon.

But how soon is "soon"?

For me, it's tomorrow. Sometimes, I feel I just can't wait. I hear the sea calling me. But all I can see is a pale body which used to be so dark. And it will be again, just give me a couple of days on that beach.

For others, it's a couple of weeks. They were smart enough to 'break' their holidays in order to enjoy Greece 3 times, once every month. The problem with that is going back (see my previous post, "Returning"). Too many back and forths can cause serious problems in re-adjusting. The danger of staying mentally back is obvious.

Then, for some, it's in August! Typical Greeks (ellinares) who inevitably link summer holidays with 10-20 August, the busiest time of the year for the islands. It's one thing waiting for August when you are in Athens, and another when you have to put up with the shitty weather for 2 1/2 months before you actually touch sand. The only way to make it through that is to keep your mind occupied (call me work) and have something to look for. Something sweet. Something that will take all your frustration away.

Rare exceptions exist. Greeks that choose to travel to far-away destinations, thinking that it's their only opportunity to discover our planet. It's true, it's so much cheaper to travel from London. But in what inner cost? I guess, these exceptions are the loners, people who don't really have any real friends waiting for them in Greece. The ones that are fully integrated to the living-abroad lifestyle and they don't really miss home. After all, they think, we are going to spend the rest of our lives there, so why not exploring now? Good point, but arguable.

No matter what you do, take some time off and enjoy yourself.

You deserve it!

1 comment:

  1. i know how you feel,i feel exactly the same,even though I am not greek...people calls me gypsy yiaponeza :)
    hi,i'm mutsumi, but you can call me 'muts',like 'mats muts'.
    i am musician playing rembetiko tunes with greek musicians in London.
    I sometimes go to Athens for playing with some musician friends there.
    The more I go and play music,the more your country attracts me...
    When the time has come,you cannot easily switch off your all good memories there..
    only you in easyjet makes you realise that you have to go back to reality in london...
    i know i am not greek,but I as wander is longing for it...trying to seach where my fate is..
    i am looking forward to going back(!) to athen at the end of august :)

